7成新,功能全正常ALESIS QS 8.1 Keyboard 美國製造 數碼鋼琴 電子琴


ALESIS QS 8.1 - 64個語音88加權合成器 - 內置效果,合唱,拉桿風琴功能,調製輪,音高輪 - 顯示屏明亮清 規格: - 複音-64種聲音 - 振盪器-48kHz線性採樣 - 16MB,可使用2個PCMCIA ROM和RAM卡擴展到32MB - 多音色-16個部分 - 效果 基於Alesis QuadraVerb 2 FX處理器的4種板載 效果 - Arpeg / Seq-無 鍵盤-88力度和触後靈敏,加權,重擊 - 內存-512個預設128個用戶程序,400個預設和100個用戶混音,可使用PCMCIA卡擴展 - 控制-MIDI IN / OUT / THRU(16-parts),用於Macintosh或PC的RS232 / RS422計算機串行端口 - QS8緊隨QS7之後問世,它是更加專業的質量版本-這是Alesis的旗艦機型!它具有完整的88音重鍵盤,具有鋼琴風格的錘擊功能,堅固的全金屬底盤帶有黑色實心橡木尾端。否則,它與QS7相同,具有16 MB的採樣/合成ROM(可擴展至32 MB),4個立體聲輸出,4個控制滑塊,離散的MIDI OUT和THRU端口,第三個Expression Pedal輸入,ADAT光學數字輸出,48kHz時鐘輸入和第二個PCMCIA擴展卡插槽。 - QS8是一款功能強大且靈活的合成器,能夠產生豐富的聲音-聲音和電子聲音。有復音的64種聲音和16種多音色的​​聲音以及大量的記憶和可擴展性。 QS8使用數字加法/減法採樣回放合成來創建高質量的立體聲三角鋼琴,風琴,琴弦,鼓/打擊樂器,銅管,木管樂器,新古典合成音色,通用MIDI以及節奏/音速循環。他們中的大多數人聽起來也很棒! Keith Emerson為此編寫了演示以及一些補丁。 - 作為主要合成器,QS在其價格範圍內表現出色。 QS8實現了功能強大的QS調製矩陣,使用戶幾乎可以將任何控制器源分配給任何調製參數。有一個板載多效果處理器(基於QuadraVerb 2),具有四個完全離散的效果總線,包括混響,延遲,旋轉揚聲器模擬,失真,合唱等等。通過直接連接Mac或PC,通過軟件加載補丁和進行編輯非常容易! Alesis的Mac / PC聲橋軟件隨附的QS合成器,可讓您將AIFF和WAV樣本,標準MIDI文件和程序數據寫入PCMCIA閃存或SRAM卡。它可以使用擴展卡播放標準MIDI文件序列,而無需使用外部音序器。對於不僅專注於舞蹈或發呆的高質量合成器,請務必考慮使用QS8。 鍵盤重約55磅。

賣       方:Lyh.emily(1)
刊登日期:2020-07-25 15:07:43

SPECIFICATIONS: Polyphony - 64 voices Oscillators - 48kHz Linear samples. 16MB, expandable to 32MB using 2 PCMCIA ROM and RAM cards Multitimbral - 16 parts Effects - 4 On-board effects, based on the Alesis QuadraVerb 2 FX processor Arpeg/Seq - None Keyboard - 88 velocity and aftertouch sensitive, weighted, hammer-action Memory - 512 preset 128 user programs, 400 preset and 100 user mixes, expandable using PCMCIA cards Control - MIDI IN/OUT/THRU (16-parts), RS232/RS422 computer serial port for Macintosh or PC The QS8 came out on the heels of the QS7 and was an even more professional quality version - it was Alesis' flagship model! It featured a full 88-note weighted keyboard with piano style hammer-action and a strong all-metal chassis with black solid oak end-pieces. Otherwise, it's identical to the QS7, with 16 MegaBytes of sample/synthesis ROM (expandable to 32 MegaBytes), 4 stereo outputs, 4 control sliders, discrete MIDI OUT and THRU ports, a third Expression Pedal input, ADAT optical digital output, 48kHz clock input, and a second PCMCIA expansion card slot.  The QS8 is  a powerful and flexible synthesizer capable of creating rich sounds - both acoustic and electronic. There are 64 voices of polyphony and 16 part multitimbrality and tons of memory and expandability. The QS8 uses digital additive/subtractive sample playback synthesis to create high quality stereo grand pianos, organs, strings, drums/percussion, brass, woodwinds, new and classic synth textures, General MIDI, and rhythmic/sonic loops. Most of them sound pretty darn great too! Keith Emerson wrote the demo for it, as well as some patches. As a master synth, the QS excels in it's price range. The QS8 implements the powerful QS Modulation Matrix, allowing users to assign virtually any controller source to any modulation parameter. There's an onboard multi-effects processor (based on the QuadraVerb 2) with four totally discrete effects busses that include reverb, delay, rotary speaker simulation, distortion, chorus and much more. With a direct Mac or PC hook-up, loading patches and editing via software is a snap! QS synths shipped with Alesis' Sound Bridge software for Mac/PC which lets you write AIFF and WAV samples, Standard MIDI Files and Program data to PCMCIA Flash or SRAM cards. It can play Standard MIDI file sequences from the expansion cards without the use of an external sequencer. For a top-quality synthesizer that isn't focused just on dance or trance, be sure to consider the QS8.   The keyboard weighs around 55lbs.





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